Anxiety - The Silent Sufferers

Anxiety – The Silent Sufferers


‘Balance recognizes that many good things in life are good only in moderation. There really can be too much of something wonderful. Most virtues, taken to excess become vices. When an interest, affection, or endeavor becomes utterly consuming, it doesn't allow room for other kinds of goodness’ – Chinese idea on Balance


From nine years of working as an acupuncturist with patients in clinic I have witnessed that anxiety is in epidemic proportion in our society.  I often treat back pain, sleep disorders and headaches in clinic, but on first consultation it becomes quickly apparent that anxiety is primary to these secondary complaints.  After speaking to Western Doctors about this, it was explained to me that anti-depressants are no longer really prescribed for depression, but for anxiety.  Unfortunately anti-depressants have their own side effects and don’t treat the cause of the problem.


This has lead me to question why in a society where we are considered to be so privileged and have so much access to tools to control stress; such as health and wellbeing classes, meditation, exercise and various styles of counseling; why are we suffering in silence?


Anxiety is a blanket term used for many signs and symptoms which vary from person to person.  Common symptoms reported as well as emotional symptoms are worry, disturbed sleep, irritability and poor concentration and physical symptoms such as sweating, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, cold hands, muscle tension and aches, trembling and twitching (American Psychiatric Association, 2000; WHO 2007).


I believe that when our lifestyles become imbalanced, anxiety occurs.  It is important to take time to look at your life to see where you are doing too much or not doing enough for your self. 

How can acupuncture help with anxiety?  Chinese Medicine views lifestyle and health as a whole and will look for the root cause of your anxiety.  Dietary, lifestyle and various techniques for reducing anxiety such as visulising and NLP techniques may be recommended.  In general, acupuncture is believed to stimulate the nervous system and cause the release of neurochemical messenger molecules acting on areas of the brain known to reduce sensitivity to pain and stress, as well as promoting relaxation and deactivating the 'analytical' brain, which is responsible for anxiety and worry (Hui 2010).  Acupuncture also increases serotonin hence altering the brains mood chemistry to help to combat negative affective states (Lee 2009; Samuels 2008; Zhou 2008; Yuan 2007).  Patients often report feeling very relaxed and having a sense of clarity and well being after treatment.


Acupuncture is a complete natural medicine, you are not adding anything to the body, you are simply causing a natural reaction from the body making it safe for everyone.


The most important thing to remember is that anxiety is not something that people need ‘just live with’ it can and will stop, in my experience it is just a few simple changes that have great effect. For more information and bookings please contact Lily directly on 07530744917.


Lily Bayliss BSc (Hons) MBAcC on 22/05/2014

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